We work with people of all walks of life, but many times we find that with CEO’s and owners of Not-for-profit Credit Unions struggle with recruiting and retaining high quality talent. With the inability to offer things like stock options, putting together customized tax-efficient income planning strategies could be a perfect fit. We recently sat down with one of our clients, Hank Baum, President and CEO of Mutual Security Credit Union in Connecticut, to hear just exactly why he benefitted from working with Mark here at MBK & Associates Inc.
Here are 3 Big reasons why you should consider MBK for planning retirement plans for your current or future talent.
1. An Option for Credit Unions
Federal Credit Unions and smaller community banks don’t always have the same options as a larger entity or for-profit bank. This causes a few issues for business owners. For one, you can’t compete with said bigger sharks to recruit fresh talent, because why would they go with you? They can get more out of another organization down the line right? Wrong. Looking at our custom-tailored packages, we work directly with you to help you find products that will entice* new recruits. Have some talent you need to keep around? These strategies can incentivize talent to stay by providing tax-efficient income.
2. We Won’t Sell You
You probably have a vision of a life insurance salesman in your mind. You may even have a few that you have met over the years that help you picture what a life insurance salesman looks like. One thing about what makes us different is this. We will not simply pick a product and try to sell YOU on why it works…We seek to understand YOU and provide solutions meant for YOU and YOUR specific situation. Every case is different, if we were to say we had a one-size-fits-all solution, we’d be lying. It takes time to establish a relationship and earn trust. That’s always our first step. The next is understanding your needs and reviewing your options with you so you can choose your own destiny.
3. It’s All Tax-Efficient
Often times we find that when we do reach the step of demonstrating your options, our clients tend to have a hard time believing they hadn’t heard of this sooner. Hank even mentioned in his testimonial that he continued to ask “Are you sure?” because the plans can be so rewarding. It’s not every day you sit down and review retirement or end of life financials, it’s scary. Making big moves with you own personal finances can be intimidating, and looking at the big moves you can make for your company can be even worse. Sitting down and just having a conversation is always a great first step. That’s easy. Especially when you have a professional on your side who isn’t biased to one vendor or company.
You don’t HAVE TO do anything with your life insurance. You don’t have HAVE TO find new strategies to recruit and retain great talent. We aren’t here to force you to do anything. It’s your choice. When you’re ready…you know where to find us!