Better understanding what you can be doing with your income and life insurance plan is our goal. Whatever we can do to help you better understand where your money is going, and what you could be doing to better set up yourself for retirement, and your family and...
Here on the MBK Beat blog, you’ll find useful information and direct tips from Mark Kostrzewski our leader on what you can be doing to help enhance your income strategies. We help professionals be aware of what they could be doing on the life insurance front as...
Back in August of 2016, Jim Harbaugh took a job at his alma mater, leaving behind an NFL salary for the love of fighting for his Michigan Wolverines. What you may not know is that that August he started a trend amongst his peers of using split-dollar life insurance...
This era hasn’t been easy on anyone. Since early March the country and world has been rocked by the trials and tribulations of a fateful virus, global pandemic, and civil unrest. The strong we know will continue to strive forward. We understand this because we...